Saturday, December 29, 2012

Static Electricity Macro Photography III

Not satisfied with my previous post, I decided to see what the combination of static, water droplet and flint particles would do. Aside from being astonished with the results, I also wanted to approach this from an artistic standpoint rather than just basic cause and effect documentation. Advance apology for my mid-post video etiquette as I am better with typing out a thought than vocalizing it.

Swung the needle towards the side of the knob.

One from the night prior to the above series as I was working this out.

And another from the night after with a white background substituted.


Unknown said...

Hi paul I was just surfing the web to know more about microplasma when i came to your wonderful posts, i m excited to to see these pics, can you just tell more how did you generated these plasma and captured so timely

VĂ­ctor said...

I see no date here...did you get it Kumar Sharma? is in an older post :

Be happy!

Thank you Paul, was nice to see this work! (excuse my english, big hug from Colombia).