Sunday, December 16, 2012

Geminid Meteor Shower

Of the handful of meteor showers I have had the opportunity to view since taking an active interest, this event was one of the most productive. Beginning on the morning of the 12th, I set out with props to compensate for lack of ideal overnight location. What showed up in a series of hour long sessions came as a remarkable surprise.

On the 12th, Santa takes a direct hit.

On the 13th, a lone Hadrosaurid awes at the only wimpy meteor imaged. Fortunately I saw this one to verify.

The 14th was the scheduled peak. I tried my luck early from out in the country but came up short as the best opportunity wouldn't occur till after midnight. Initially I didn't think I caught any in the 40 minutes I was out but was wrong. Through the overnight I was able to witness countless meteors despite heavy light pollution.

Later from over at Jurassic Park...

Apparently space still doesn't like the dinosaurs!

Other shots from the past few days include more frost macros from the morning of the 12th.

1 comment:

Suz said...

oh I love the santa shot hee hee
I would have loved to see this shower...but I am always a buck short and a day late
I go to bed around 10...
that could explain it
Take care....I hope santa got Ava's list...Merry Christmas