March 4th - While out on a sunset that busted, Ava noticed a very bright and slow moving object. Unsure at first of what it could be as it didn't behave like aircraft, it was later determined to be a latex weather balloon which expand to an enormous size. Upon reaching maximum altitude it popped like they do and was catching end up day light during its free fall descent. It appeared to be traveling SSW so it may have been released from nearby Lincoln (KILX) which is directly upstream.

March 9th - One of my recent projects has been to get rid of stuff including the liquidation of old toys but not before 'playing' with them one more time. This is reverse ring macro looking through a ViewMaster I've had since the early 80's.

Taking a break later that afternoon, spotted some interesting features out ahead of a weak cold front that was passing through the area.

March 10th - Visual satellite looked promising for this day so we took a ride down towards Shelbyville. The intent was to visit the lake but a slow moving train cancelled that option so we backtracked to the Margaret Gusy Pothole Wetlands Nature Preserve.

March 11th - Grown man still playing with frogs...

But that's none of my business!

Thinking that sunset would pop off like the previous evening for bearing near identical conditions on satellite, I went to Shelbyville again only to discover that I was too far east. Afterwards, I headed down to Ramsey Lake State Park to check for Spring Peepers.

March 15th - A big day for severe weather, I ended up in McDonough and later Mason counties on a pair of storms that were of a lesser threat than what occurred in the Macomb, Springfield and Peoria areas.

March 17th - Decided to break away from the domestic projects and go for a healthful walk at Rock Springs Conservation Area. While there a prescribed burn was under way whereby the smoke lent itself to a perfect backdrop for the Blue Bird.

I picked up a 3Pod Mini Tabletop Tripod from Amazon recently so as to virtually get down to eye level of ground creatures for which this 3/4" long Cricket Frog was my first successful test.

Continuing with the walk, I came upon a vernal pool teeming with Western Chorus Frogs. They were singing initially but fell silent with my presence. Quiet patience paid off though as they eventually resumed.

and finally, there was this guy...