Stephen A. Forbes State Park, Marion County Illinois

Carlyle Lake

Finally, from south of Centralia along US 51, a storm...

Near dusk while heading home, I stopped at Ramsey Lake State Park. Walking down an unused service road, a loud and distinct sound like the song of the siren drew me into the twilight forest. Eventually, from along the edge of a vernal pool in near total darkness under an ascending moon, I was treated not only to the deafening call of many but also a solitary performance of the elusive Spring Peeper. Having spent my entire existence hearing but never seeing these creatures except for in pictures, this moment was the holy grail of my lifelong herpetological interest.

Flipping the camera (Canon T3) into video mode, the following clip is reverse ring macro.
It has been an exceptionally busy month for which I hope to get caught up with on here in coming days.