Friday, November 06, 2015

October Part I

It has been a remarkable month with many photographic moments. Over the next few days I hope to get caught up on everything. Be that it was so mild for the duration, the numerous tree frogs that have been hanging around at night through the summer persisted. On the 7th, temperatures dropped off into the low 50's which made the frogs sluggish. One in particular hopped on to my flashlight and quickly made itself comfortable due to the small amount of available heat. Carefully propping upright and using the iPhone flashlight as a secondary source, the rest is history. When we were done it did not want to leave!

On the 8th, Ava and I stepped out for sunset. A weak frontal boundary passing through kicked off a few storms so after dinner we went north for a brief intercept. Choosing what I thought might be the best area of convergence from north of Clinton near Heyworth netted the best of anything from this otherwise non-event.

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