Monday, March 08, 2010

Sunday Driver...

Sunday morning it was showery so I headed up into Dewitt County. I then meandered over to Logan County and finally back down to Macon County.

Back at home around lunchtime, a small line of storms approached from the W. I decided to go out again but not far. Noted some lightning, thunder and small hail which is a nice change from the Winter that has not wanted to give up.

Black and white is not something I do much with but for this day it seems to work.


Suz said...

I think you are right it works
On my blog I gave you a kreativity blogger award for being a fascinating blog to visit.
I mentioned that you are a fab pencil artist too
that's a hint to show more of it

p said...

Hello Suz. I've fallen away from drawing because my studio is the end of a kitchen table with just enough room for a laptop. With concerns for spills and other clutter getting in the way, at this point in my life it's more of a hassle than a joy. Thank you though for the kind words and your generous award :)

Andrew Pritchard said...

Nice shots Paul. Really like the distant one of the barn with the rolling hills in the foreground.