Thursday, March 18, 2010

Chasing Spaceships

Just before heading out yesterday evening with Ava for an errand, I noticed that skies were fair so I checked the Spaceweather Satellite Tracker to see that we were in line for a scheduled ISS (International Space Station) flyby. With just enough time to find a suitable location, Ava was excited to know that besides hitting the store, we were going to "watch the spaceship." Ava is at the age where she knows that the ISS gliding by is up in space but she thinks the Backyardigans are flying it like the episode where they go to Mars. Tonight as I was thinking about how peculiar it was to be sharing a parent/child moment watching an orbiting spacecraft and how nothing I did with my parents was remotely close, she made the comment "I wish I was up in the space station". I wish for her sake that someday she can be too...

Love that we caught the exit as it slipped behind earth's shadow.

Quick look SW at Orion


Andrew Pritchard said...

I had no idea that such a bright passover was expected when I headed out that night. Pretty cool to know we were both out admiring the same thing in the sky in the peace and quiet evening, 180 miles apart.

Unknown said...

Such a hope-filled little heart. I too wish her the ability to reach for the stars....literally.

Suz said...

you're a good dad teach her about photography
and drawing! too!
Did you get any shots of that beautiful full moon? or the previous week's glowing sunset?
I was counting on you!